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Temperature probe Pt1000TR050M/M, MiniDin connector, cable 5 meters

Temperature probe with Pt1000 sensor.

The temperature sensors Pt1000TR050M are designed for measuring temperatures of gaseous and liquid substances.

The temperature range for application of the sensor is -50°C to +400 °C, the maximum temperature may be exceeded up to 450°C in a short time (relates to active measuring part of sensor which is determinated by  spacer ring).
Around the lead in cable with Teflon insulation must not be temperature higher than 260 °C.

They meet the ingress protection IP64 according to the EN 60 529 standard. The sensors are suitable for temperature measurement in chemically non-aggressive environments, the using must be chosen with regard to temperature and chemical resistant housing and a cable.

  • code
  • $234

Technical data

Measured value



Measuring range -50 to +400 °C, short-therm +450 °C, maximum temperature around the cable and above the clamping ring is +260 °C
Accuracy ± (0.15 + 0.002 t) at °C in range -50 to +250 °C
± (0.3 + 0.005 t) at °C in range over +250 °C
Accuracy class A
Time response t0.5 <5 s (in flowing water at > 0.2 m/s)
Type of sensing element Pt1000
Temperature coefficient 3850 ppm / °C


Wire connection 2-wire connection
Material of the case stainless steel DIN 1.4301
Dimensions of the case length 50 mm; diameter 6 ± 0.1 mm;
spacer ring diameter 8 mm
Lead-in cable shielded teflon 2 x 0,22 mm2
Length of lead-in cable 5 meters
Connector MiniDin
IP protection IP64
Warranty 30 months