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Temperature data logger for 3x thermocouples, 1x external Pt1000 probe and 1x internal sensor


Datalogger is designed to record temperature from three thermocouples, one Pt1000 probe and one internal temperature sensor.
The recording is performed in a non-volatile electronic memory. The data can be transferred to a PC via USB-C.
In case of exceeded set limits alarms are indicated by LED, LCD and acoustically by built-in beeper.

The device includes Traceable calibration certificate with declared metrological traceability of etalons is based on requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard.

  • code
  • Warranty
    3 years
  • $468

Technical data

Measured value


TEMPERATURE SENSOR - internal probe

Measuring range -30 to +70 °C
"Accuracy ±0.4°C;"
Resolution 0.1 °C
Response time of temperature measurement (temperature step 20°C, air flow approximately 1m/s) t63 < 6 minutes; t90 < 15 minutes

TEMPERATURE SENSOR - external probe Pt1000

Measuring range -200 to +260 °C
"Accuracy ±0.2°C; ±0,2 % of the measurement value in a range of +100 to +260 °C"
Resolution 0.1 °C
"Response time t90 of temperature measurement (temperature step 20°C, air flow approximately 1m/s) according to the connected probe"


Measuring range type K and N -200 to +1300 °C
Measuring range type J -200 to +750 °C
Measuring range type S 0 to 1700 °C
Measuring range type B 250 to 1800 °C, cold junction is not compensated
Measuring range type T -200 to +400 °C
Measuring range of DC voltage -70 to +70 mV
Accuracy for types J, K, N, T ± (|0,3 % of the measurement value|+1,5 °C)
Accuracy for types B and S ± (|0,5 % of the measurement value| +5 °C)
Accuracy for DC voltage ± 70 µV
Resolution 0,1 °C
Response time according to the connected thermocouple


Operating temperature -30 to +70 °C
Channels 3x thermocouple, 1x external Pt1000
Memory 500,000 values in noncyclic logging mode; 350,000 values in cyclic record mode
"Recording interva adjustable from 1 s to 24 h"
"Interval for measuring and evaluating alarms adjustable 1 s, 10 s, 1 min"
Recording mode noncyclic - data logging stops after filling the memory
cyclic - after filling memory oldest data is overwritten by new
"Real time clock year, leap year, month, day, hour, minute, second"
Power Lithium battery 3.6 V, size AA
Protection class IP20
Dimensions 61 x 93 x 53 mm
Weight (including batteries) cca 130 g
Warranty 3 years

Optional accessories and download

CP500 thermocouple K surface probe

CP500 thermocouple K surface probe

Temperature range: -65 to 500°C
code CP500
Price $144
In stock 6 pcs
CZ550 thermocouple K surface probe

CZ550 thermocouple K surface probe

Temperature range: -65 to 550°C
code CZ550
Price $156
In stock on request
CZ900 thermocouple K needle probe

CZ900 thermocouple K needle probe

Temperature range: -65 to 1000°C
code CZ900
Price $154
In stock on request
GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe

GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe

Temperature range: -65 to 980°C
code GD1250-1
Price $72
In stock on request
GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe

GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe

Temperature range: -65 to 980°C
code GD1250-1/0
Price $60
In stock on request
GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe 2m

GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe 2m

Temperature range: -65 to 980°C
code GD1250-2
Price $128
In stock on request
GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe 2m

GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe 2m

Temperature range: -65 to 980°C
code GD1250-2/0
Price $118
In stock on request
GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe 3m

GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe 3m

Temperature range: -65 to 980°C
code GD1250-3
Price $182
In stock on request
GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe 3m

GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe 3m

Temperature range: -65 to 980°C
code GD1250-3/0
Price $172
In stock on request
GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe 4m

GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe 4m

Temperature range: -65 to 980°C
code GD1250-4
Price $240
In stock on request
GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe 4m

GD1250 thermocouple "K" wire probe 4m

Temperature range: -65 to 980°C
code GD1250-4/0
Price $230
In stock on request
GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe

GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe

Temperature range: -65 to 260°C
code GD260-1
Price $40
In stock on request
GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe

GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe

Temperature range: -65 to 260°C
code GD260-1/0
Price $30
In stock on request
GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe 2m

GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe 2m

Temperature range: -65 to 260°C
code GD260-2
Price $68
In stock on request
GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe 2m

GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe 2m

Temperature range: -65 to 260°C
code GD260-2/0
Price $56
In stock on request
GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe 3m

GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe 3m

Temperature range: -65 to 260°C
code GD260-3
Price $94
In stock on request
GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe 3m

GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe 3m

Temperature range: -65 to 260°C
code GD260-3/0
Price $84
In stock on request
GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe 4m

GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe 4m

Temperature range: -65 to 260°C
code GD260-4
Price $122
In stock on request
GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe 4m

GD260 thermocouple "K" wire probe 4m

Temperature range: -65 to 260°C
code GD260-4/0
Price $112
In stock on request
GD700 thermocouple "K" wire probe

GD700 thermocouple "K" wire probe

Temperature range: -65 to 700°C
code GD700-1/0
Price $30
In stock on request
GD700 thermocouple "K" wire probe 2m

GD700 thermocouple "K" wire probe 2m

Temperature range: -65 to 700°C
code GD700-2/0
Price $56
In stock on request
GD700 thermocouple "K" wire probe 3m

GD700 thermocouple "K" wire probe 3m

Temperature range: -65 to 700°C
code GD700-3/0
Price $84
In stock on request
GD700 thermocouple "K" wire probe 4m

GD700 thermocouple "K" wire probe 4m

Temperature range: -65 to 700°C
code GD700-4/0
Price $112
In stock on request
GT1150 thermocouple "K" insertion probe

GT1150 thermocouple "K" insertion probe

Temperature range: -50 to 1150°C
code GT1150
Price $198
In stock 4 pcs

Accredited temperature calibration

Accredited temperature calibration

code SLU001
Price On request
In stock on request

USB-C cable, 1 meter

USB-C cable, 1 meter

code MP053
Price $24
In stock on request


download-icon Comet Vision Software (2.3.8935.24346 dbapi 21.1)
16.56 MB
download-icon Comet Database One Click Installer (21.1-V)
487.31 MB
download-icon Conversions - application for recalculation of values
694.50 KB


download-icon Terms and Conditions COMET System s.r.o.
133.12 KB


download-icon Instruction Manual
3.34 MB
download-icon Quick Start Manual
1.11 MB
download-icon Manual for Calibration (accuracy verification) and Adjustment for Dataloggers Uxxxx(M)
427.80 KB
download-icon Declaration of Conformity
95.35 KB


download-icon CATALOG - Dataloggers
3.57 MB
download-icon Catalogue Sheets - COMET Data Loggers
2.36 MB

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